Clavis Lodge No.8585

Latest News

12 October 2024

Our Installation meeting took place in Bicester.  WBro Andrew Gordon was installed into the Chair of the Lodge by WBro Bob Dennis.

Pictured to the left are: WBro Stephen Hignell (ProvGMentor), WBro Nick Carter,(ProvSGW), Bro Bill Liebow (JW), WBro Andrew Gordon (WM), WBro Richard Wheeler (SW) and WBro Antoine Flett,(ProvGStB)

Shown here are the Worshipful Master and his Wardens.

 L-R Bro Bill Liebow (JW), WBro Andrew Gordon (WM) and WBro Richard Wheeler (SW)

2 October 2024

At the Provincial Grand Lodge, WBro Ray Clarke received a first appointment as PPrGStdB 

Congratulations Ray !

7  and 8th June 2024

 Our Country meeting was held in Devon - for the 2nd year running !

Our WM John Langabeer arranged a full couple of days of ringing, dining, drinking, skittles and Freemasonry.

Headquarters hotel for most was the Langstone Cliff Hotel in Dawlish Warren.

Ringing took place at St Mark's Exeter and Heavitree.

At our Clavis Lodge meeting on the Saturday,  Bro John Martin was raised to the degree of a Master Mason.

In the pictures below, on the left, WM John Langabeer is shown with his Wardens - WBro Richard Wheeler (JW) and W Bro Andrew Gordon (SW) together with Bro John Martin, now a Master Mason.

On the right are most of the members of Clavis Lodge who were in Devon for the weekend.


Today Bro Mike Birkbeck was installed into the chair of his Mother Lodge, St George's Wrotham 8742 in the Province of Kent.  CONGRATULATIONS  W BRO MIKE !!

Three members of Clavis Lodge attended the ceremony.

They are pictured with the newly installed Master below.

L to R:

W Bro Mike Birkbeck, W Bro David Cox, W Bro Richard Wheeler and W Bro Alan Mayle.


Today, in Bicester, Bro John Martin was passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft Freemason.

The ceremony was conducted by the WM  WBro John Langabeer assisted by others.


Today Bro Richard Wheeler was installed into the chair of Downshire Lodge 2437 in the Province of Berkshire.  Congratulations W Bro Richard  !


Today the Lodge Installation meeting was held.  W Bro John Langabeer was installed into the chair of the Lodge.  He is pictured at the Festive Board with  (LtoR) - W Bro Andrew Keech,  Pr Grand Treasurer, W Bro Paul Buck PrGDC, W Bro Nick Carter PRSGW, W Bro John Langabeer WM, W Bro Peter Bill IPM, and W Bro Alan Mayle DC.


 W Bro Mark Wilson  received promotion to PPrGReg at today's meeting of the Oxfordshire PGL and   W Bro Andrew Keech was also reappointed Provincial Grand Treasurer for a further year.

Congratulations to them both !


Congratulations to W Bro Derek Barrett who has been promoted to PPrSGW in his home Province of Berkshire.


Ten members of Clavis met at Egham and rang a peal of Yorkshire Royal.

LtoR:  Nich Wilson, Steve Waters, David Cox, James Kirkcaldy, Jon Waters, Mike Birkbeck, Andrew Gordon, Andrew Keech, Charles Botting, Alan Mayle (C)


South Devon was the scene of our Country Meeting and the HQ hotel was The Moorland Hotel at Haytor.

On Friday we rang at Bovey Tracey, Ilsington, and Newton Abbott.

Whilst at Newton Abbott we were pleased to present a cheque to Macmillan Cancer Support - one of  our WM's chosen charities.

At our meeting on Saturday the Lodge was pleased to welcome its newest member.  Bro John Martin, from Devon,  was Initiated into Freemasonry - he is pictured here with WM Peter Bill together with Wardens John Langabeer and Andrew Gordon.

After the ceremony a white table dinner was held for 59 members, partners, and guests.


Today, in Bicester, Bro Nich Wilson was raised to the 3rd degree by the WM WBro Peter Bill.  The WM was assisted by WBro Jeff Bailey, WBro Ian Hill, and Bro Mike Birkbeck.  The Lodge was pleased to welcome the Provincial Grand Master for Oxfordshire VW Bro James Hilditch and the Provincial Grand Secretary, WBro Bernd Wegerhoff.


The Lodge Installation meeting was held today and WBro Peter Bill was installed in the chair of the lodge by WBro Bob Dennis.

The picture below shows (L to R):

WBro Roy Timms,   WBro John LangabeerSenior Warden, WBro Alan Knowles, WBro Peter BillMaster of the Lodge, WBro Andrew Gordon - Junior Warden.


Congratulations to the following members of the Lodge who received the following appointments and promotions at the Provincial Grand Lodge held in the Kassam Stadium, Oxford.

WBro Andrew Keech appointed     Provincial Grand Treasurer

WBro James Kirkcaldy promoted to         PPrGSuptWks

WBro Martin Kirk   first appointment as   PPrAGDC

WBro Barclay Lawrence first app't as         PPrGStB

In recognition of what was described as 5 years outstanding work as the provincial Charity Steward,

WBro Andrew Keech was also awarded the Provincial Grand Master's Certificate of Merit.


Congratulations to WBro Steve Field who was appointed ProvSGW in his home Province of Berkshire.


Congratulations to WBro Chris Cooper, our Almoner, who, back in May, was appointed PPrSGD in his home Province of Gloucestershire.

17 and 18/06/2022

Our Country Meeting was held in Nottingham and got off to a fine start with lunch at the Ferry Inn in Wilford.

Ringing followed at Wilford and the two modern churches in Clifton

Friday evening saw us meeting in the Roundhouse for drinks before adjourning to the Cumin Restaurant.

Our meeting on Saturday was a Second Degree ceremony  conducted by the WM which saw Bro Nich Wilson passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft Freemason

The ceremony was followed by a white table dinner attended by members, friends and partners.

Thank you Graham for organising a great weekend !


Congratulations to our Worshipful Master, W.Bro Graham Hayward who has been appointed PrGPurs in his home Province of Nottinghamshire - well done Youth !


At Grand Lodge W Bro Andrew Keech was appointed PAGDC. He was invested by the MW Grand Master HRH The Duke of Kent.

Congratulations from the brethren of Clavis Lodge.


At our meeting today the lodge was pleased to welcome Nich Wilson to membership of the Lodge. He was Initiated by the WM W Bro Graham Hayward.

Pictured are (L to R)

 W Bro Peter Bill, SW,  Bro Nich Wilson, W Bro Graham Hayward, WM, and W Bro James Kirkcaldy, Acting JW.


Also at our April meeting W Bro John Langabeer was presented with a 50 Year membership certificate by the Provincial Charity Steward W Bro Andrew Keech.


Today this, our new website went live. We are grateful to W Bro  David Hull, our Lodge organist, for upgrading the site.


Congratulations to W Bro John Mayle who today was installed into the Chair of his Mother Lodge, The Midhurst Lodge 4460 in the Province of Sussex.

Pictured above are the Worshipful Master, WBro Graham Hayward together with the Provincial Grand Secretary W Bro Bernd Wegerhoff


Our installation meeting was held at Bicester today. W Bro Graham Hayward was proclaimed WM and he then conducted a superb 3rd degree Raising ceremony for Bro Jon Waters.


Congratulations  to W Bro David Hull, the Lodge Organist, who today at the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire was appointed PPrGStB

W Bro Charles Botting was reappointed ProvJGD

W Bro Andrew Keech was reappointed ProvGChStwd



Members and Partners enjoyed a great weekend of Beer and Bells arranged by Andrew Keech.

Friday evening started in Brewpoint -a brewery and restaurant once run by the Charles Wells Brewery.

An early start on Saturday introduced the Bells aspect of the trip.

The first tower was BLUNHAM.

It had a long ladder for access!

The group pictured at BLUNHAM.

The group pictured at BLUNHAM.

The 10 bells at BIGGLESWADE were next.

Lunch was at the Cock Inn at Broom – a Heritage pub.

SOUTHILL was the first tower after lunch

Followed by NORTHILL

The day was rounded off by beer in the WELLINGTON in BEDFORD followed by a superb meal at The ROYAL GURKHA


As our June Country Meeting, scheduled to take place in Nottingham, was cancelled some members had a social get together.


It is with great regret that we record the death of W Bro Edward William Ford PPGSwdB

14th February 1927 – 28th May 2021


Congratulations to  WBro Graham Hayward, our Worshipful Master, who today received promotion to PPrJGD in his home Province of Nottinghamshire.


The Oxfordshire Provincial Grand Lodge held a ZOOM Q&A session tonight.

The two screen shots show a good Clavis Lodge presence


Two meetings were held by ZOOM today – first a Committee Meeting followed by a general discussion about Masonry, Beer and Meetings.

Here are two screen shots of the proceedings.

At the Committee Meeting it was resolved to donate £100.00 to the Oxfordshire branch of MIND. It was also agreed not to meet in Nottingham, or Bicester, in June.


VWBro Ernest Russell Gotham, PGSuptWks, passed away today – he was the founding secretary of the Lodge and was elected to honorary membership in October 1997.

VWBro Russell held high ranks in many masonic orders. He lived respected and has died regretted.

9th June 1935 – 13th November 2020


The Lodge Installation Meeting took place today under COVID 19 restrictions.

Only 6 brethren could be present and in his enforced absence, because Nottingham was in lockdown, W Bro Graham Hayward was proclaimed Worshipful Master for the year 2020-21.


Today would have been the Oxfordshire Grand Lodge meeting and the following brethren of Clavis Lodge have received the following Appointment, Re-Appointment, and Promotions:

W Bro Andrew Keech re-appointed ProvGChStwd

W Bro Charles Botting appointed ProvJGD

W Bro John Couperthwaite promoted to PPrGSuptWks

W Bro Chris Cooper promoted to PPrGSuptWks

and in his home Province:

W Bro Peter Bill promoted to PPrJGW (Devonshire)


Another ZOOM meeting was held this evening – here are a couple of screenshots of those attending.


The Lodge is proud to have qualified for the Silver Award in recognition of our fund raising towards the Oxfordshire Festival 2022.


On Friday 12th June 2020 we should have been assembling in Nottingham for our Country Meeting – this was not possible, so on the 11th we had an informal get together via ZOOM.

Here is a screenshot of those who were able to attend.


A meeting of the lodge committee was held via the medium of ZOOM this evening. 18 members took part.

It was agreed that a donation be made to the Bicester Baby Bank and to The Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust.

A further donation to the Oxfordshire Festival 2022 of £750.00 enabled the Lodge to achieve Silver standard.


Due to the spread of the Coronavirus our April and June meetings will not take place. Further information will be available as and when it becomes known.


We are proud to display our Bronze Certificate in connection with the Oxon 2022 Festival.


On Monday November 18th Oxfordshire Provincial Grand Lodge held a Presentation Evening in the Lodge at Thame. Many Charities were represented and over the course of a wonderful evening   £31,500 was presented to those Charities.  The Lodges gave £17,000, the Province £6,500 and the Masonic Charitable Fund a further £8,000.

Shown to the left is the Provincial Grand Master RWBro James Hilditch opening the evening together with Provincial Grand Charity Steward WBro Andrew Keech who arranged and compered the event.

The Clavis Lodge presented a cheque to Helen and Douglas House the world’s first Hospice for Children which is based in Oxford.

Shown in the second picture are (l-r):

RWBro James Hilditch  – PGM, Lucy Walker –  Fund Raising manager Helen and Douglas House, WBro Martin Kirk –  Clavis Lodge Charity Steward,  and WBro Alan Baverstock –  APGM.

In total £1600 was presented to the Hospice.

(L-R) W Bro Peter Bill SW, W Bro David Charlton PrJGW,  W Bro Graham Hayward WM, W Bro John Langabeer Acting JW, and W Bro Andrew Keech PrGChStwd.

(L-R) W Bro David Charlton, Bro Bill Liebow, and W Bro Andrew Keech.


Our Installation meeting took place on Saturday 12th October 2018 at Weyland Hall, Bicester.

We were pleased to welcome W Bro David Charlton PrJGW as the representative of the PGM.  WBro Charlton is also to become our Provincial Visiting Officer.

The Master Elect, W Bro Graham Hayward was Installed as Worshipful Master by W Bro Ray Clarke.

W Bro Hayward appointed and invested his Officers.

During the Ceremony WBro Andrew Keech presented Bro Bill Liebow with his Grand Lodge Certificate.

There followed a superb Festive Board where W Bro Andrew Keech sang The Master’s Song.


The Lodge congratulates the following members who received Reappointments, Promotions and Appointments at today’s Oxfordshire PGL.

W Bro Martin Turner appointed PPrAGDC

W Bro Derek Barrett  promoted to PPrGReg

W Bro Ian Hill promoted to PPrGReg


W Bro Andrew Keech reappointed  ProvGChStwd.

Handbells were rung at the Ceremony by W Bros David Cox, Alan Mayle, Graham Hayward and John Couperthwaite.

07/06/2019 – 09/06/2019

The 2019 Summer Country Meeting took place in Henley on Thames. W Bro Ray Clarke organised the weekend which began officially with some ringing at Henley.

This was followed by a boat ride along the Thames 

The early evening  saw the party dining at The Anchor. The other half of the group were inside!

The Saturday lodge meeting was a Third Degree ceremony during which Bro Bill Liebow was Raised to the degree of a Master Mason.

Pictured above are the VW Bro Neal Spencer (DepProvGM), Bro Bill Liebow, and WBro Ray Clarke (WM)

Pictured above are the Worshipful Master and his Wardens accompanied by the visiting Provincial Team.

(L-R) W Bro Peter Lindfield (PrGStB),  WBro Graham Hayward (JW), WBro Andrew Keech ( PrGChSwd), VW Bro Neal Spencer (DepProvGM), WBro Ray Clarke (WM), WBro Peter Bill (SW acting), and W Bro Ron Barnett (PrAGSec)

After the ceremony a White Table dinner was held at The Red Lion Hotel attended by approximately 50 members, partners, and friends.

02/04/2019 - 05/04/2019

During a splendid visit to Ieper in Belgium and Dordrecht in Holland members of the lodge rang two peals, both on the new bells at Ieper.

This visit was organised by WBro. Steve Waters and  around two dozen members and partners enjoyed ringing, dining and drinking.


Congratulations to W Bro Andrew Keech PrGChStwd on becoming a Founder Member of the Ruck and Maul Lodge 9974 in the Province of Oxfordshire. 


Congratulations to our Senior Deacon Bro Colin Belsey on being exalted into Winder Chapter, meeting at Kirkby Stephen in the Province of Cumberland and Westmorland.

This picture was taken after the ceremony with Bro Belsey extreme right.


It is with sadness we record the death of our IPM W Bro Stephen James Bateman.

21st July 1953 – 12th November 2018.

Steve was Initiated into Clavis Lodge in April 2009 and was installed as WM in October 2017.

Pictured above L-R: W Bro Graham Hayward-JW, W Bro Andrew Keech ProvGChStwd, R W Bro James Hilditch-PGM, W Bro Ray Clarke-WM, W Bro Ian Hill-IM, W Bro Martin Kirk-IPM and IM, W Bro Barclay Lawrence-SW


Our Installation meeting took place on Saturday 13th October 2018 at Weyland Hall, Bicester.

We were pleased to welcome the PGM of Oxfordshire the RW Bro James Hilditch.

Unfortunately WBro Steve Bateman WM was not able to join us as he was, again,  in hospital. All the Brethren wished Steve the very best of good fortune in his continued fight to regain his health.

The Master Elect, Bro Ray Clarke was Installed as Worshipful Master by W Bro. Ian Hill and the IPM W Bro Martin Kirk.

W Bro Clarke appointed and invested his Officers.

There followed a superb Festive Board where W Bro Derek Barrett sang The Master’s Song.


Congratulations to the following members of Clavis Lodge who received the following appointments and promotions at PGL earlier in the month:

W Bro Andrew Keech was re-appointed ProvGChStwd

W Bro Alan Mayle was appointed PPrJGD

W Bro Nicholas Parsons was promoted to PPrJGW

08/06/2018 - 10/06/2018

The Summer 2018 meeting was held in Bristol over the weekend of the 8-10th June.

A full programme of events was organised by the WM, W Bro Steve Bateman, but unfortunately Steve found himself in hospital on the day of the meeting.

Brethren assembled at lunchtime in The Knight’s Templar and this was followed by ringing at 3 churches in the city centre.  Friday evening saw the Brethren and partners on a river trip round Bristol Docks followed by a meal at The Llandoger Trow.

At the lodge meeting on the Saturday, held in the Bristol Masonic Centre,  IPM W Bro Martin Kirk opened the lodge and W Bro Andrew Keech Passed Bro Bill Liebow to the 2nd degree.

The white table dinner was held at the Centre at which very best wishes were accorded to W Bro Steve for return to full health.


Congratulations to our Assistant DC,  W Bro Simon Glanfield, who has received promotion to PPrJGD in his native Province of Devonshire.

(L-R)  : W Bro Alan Mayle, Bro Jon Waters and W Bro Steve Waters.


Our Spring 2018 meeting was an Initiation. held at Weyland Hall, Bicester.

Jon Waters was Initiated into the Lodge by WBro Alan Mayle and WBro Steve Waters – his Dad!

Following the ceremony a super Festive Board was held which displayed to our visitors the warm welcome and  great fellowship for which Clavis Lodge is renowned.


Congratulations to W Bro Mark Wilson who recently became a Founder Member of The Permanent Way Lodge No. 9951 in the Province of Worcestershire.


The death is recorded of W Bro John Mark Thomas Parker PPrGStB

11th February 1964 – 3rd February 2018

Mark was initiated into Clavis in April 1990 and was WM in 2002.


Bro Duncan Walker – a Steward of Clavis Lodge 0 was installed into the  Chair of Unanimity Lodge No.339 (his Mother Lodge) on Thursday 18th Jan 2018.

Clavis Lodge was represented by our Secretary W Bro David Cox together with Bro Colin Belsey (JD), who sang the Masters Song, and W Bro John Proudfoot.



It is with sadness that we record the death of W Bro Aubrey James Phillips PPrGSuptWks – Jim to all who knew him.               

15th April 1935 – 1st December 2017

Jim joined Clavis Lodge in 1984 and was installed in the Chair in 1995.

He will very much be missed as a Mason, Ringer and Friend.


Ten members of Clavis Lodge met at St Thomas’ Church, Oxford to ring a Peal to celebrate the Tercentenary of the United Grand Lodge of England.

Details can be found here:

(l-r) W Bro Ewan Gordon- PrGStwd, W Bro Martin Kirk- IM, W Bro Stephen  Bateman- WM, R W Bro James Hilditch- PGM,  W Bro Andrew Keech PrGChStwd, W Bro the PrGPurs

The Festive Board


At our Autumn 2017 meeting held on October 14th Bro Steve Bateman was installed into the Chair of the Lodge by the Installing Master W Bro Martin Kirk.

The Lodge was honoured by the attendance of R W Bro James Hilditch the Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Oxfordshire.

Our newly installed Master presided over a first class Festive Board to conclude an excellent day in Bicester and the beginning of his year in office.


The Lodge congratulates the following members on their appointments and promotions in the October 2017 Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire:

W Bro Steve Waters appointed PPrSGD

W Bro Mark Wilson promoted to PPrGSwdB

W Bro Nigel Thomson  promoted to PPrGReg

W Bro Andrew Keech appointed  ProvGChStwd

09/06/2017 - 11/06/2017

The Summer meeting 2017 was held in Leominster, Herefordshire on  Saturday June 10th  when Bro. Gareth Jones was raised to the 3rd degree. The following white table dinner was held at the Three Counties Hotel, Hereford.

This formed part of a weekend of activity organised my the WM W Bro Martin Kirk.

Meeting up at  Trumpet Inn on the Friday for lunch, the members and partners enjoyed  leisurely ringing at three churches on the way to Hereford.

Friday evening saw 28 of the group at Weston’s Cider Mill for a tour, tasting and meal.

W Bro Alan Knowles, W Bro Martin Kirk and Bro Bill Liebow


The Spring 2017 meeting was an Initiation Ceremony and  held at Weyland Hall, North Street, Bicester, OX26 6NE on April 8th at 3.00 pm.

In that ceremony Bill Liebow was Initiated into the Lodge in the presence of the APGM  WBro Alan Knowles. It was an enjoyable day and a super evening with Bro Liebow being received into the lodge in fine style.


Our Autumn 2016 meeting held at Weyland Hall Bicester saw the Installation of Bro Martin Kirk into the Chair of the Lodge. He was installed by the IPM W Bro Andrew Keech.

Bro Steve Bateman and Bro Ray Clarke were appointed and invested as Senior and Junior Wardens respectively.

Pictured are the Deputy Provincial Grand Master V W Bro Neal Spencer and W Bro Martin Kirk.

10/06/2016 - 12/06/2016

The Summer 2016 Meeting was held in June and the WM W.Bro. Andrew Keech organised a full programme of Ringing, Masonic and Social activity based in Bedford.

At this meeting, held at the Ampthill Masonic Centre, Bro. Gareth Jones was passed to Second Degree.

As usual at the summer meeting we were joined by partners, wives and friends.


In May 8 members travelled to Broadclyst in Devon where they rang a peal of Uxbridge Surprise Major.

Full details can be found here:


On April 22nd ten members of the Lodge met at Higham Ferrers to attempt a peal.

They were successful and full details can be found here:


Our Spring 2016 meeting was held, as usual, in April at Bicester and Gareth Jones was Initiated into Masonry by the WM W Bro Andrew Keech

(L-R) APGM WB ro Alan Knowles, Deputy Provincial Grand Master V W Bro Neal Spencer, W Bro Andrew Keech, Prov Grand Secretary W Bro Ivor Hawkins


At our Installation Meeting held at Weyland Hall Bicester in October 2015, W Bro Andrew Keech was installed as WM of the lodge by the Installing Master W Bro David Hull.

At our meeting in October 2016  we resolved to hold all our April and October meetings at Weyland Hall, North Street, Bicester.

We are always pleased to host visitors, so drop us a line if you’d like to attend. Moreover any bellringers who’d like to know more about Masonry are most welcome to contact the secretary to find out more.